In December 2020, The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Environment, Health, Safety, and Security (EHSS) debuted the new DOE OPEXShare Lessons Learned Database. The new DOE OPEXShare replaces the DOE Corporate Lessons Learned Database as the central repository for Lessons Learned and Best Practice briefings across the DOE complex. Users may log in to view, like, comment, and share Lessons Learned or Best Practice briefings. The DOE OPEXShare Database is in compliance with DOE Order 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program.
LBNL staff can access the new DOE OPEXShare Lessons Learned Database directly from the LBNL Lessons Learned Database page. Users of the Hanford OPEXShare Database can login with the same user ID, but will need to update their password the first time they log in. New users may request access via the website at All new accounts must use their LBNL email account. All LBNL registrations to the DOE OPEXShare Database will be approved by the LBNL Lessons Learned and Best Practice Coordinator.
For guidance on how to use the DOE OPEXShare Database, how to create a LBNL lessons learned or best practice briefing, or share a briefing to the LBNL Database, please contact the of Institutional Contractor Assurance Office (ICAO) Lessons Learned and Best Practice Coordinator, Gaby Caparimo ( We are looking forward to helping you discover and share new lessons learned with your colleagues!